Cancellation Policy

If a client / agent CANCELS/REDUCES the room booking the following Retention Charges will apply from the date of check in. This must be made in writing.

  • Within 60- 45 days No Retention charged.
  • Within 45 – 30 days 25% Retention charged on number of rooms cancelled.
  • Within 30 – 15 days 50% Retention charged on number of rooms cancelled.
  • Within 15- 0 days 75% retention will be charged on total number of rooms booked.


AXIS BANK: Name : Tiger Resorts Pvt. Ltd.-Bank : Axis Bank Limited Branch : K- 12, Green Park Main, New Delhi-110016./IFSC Code :UTIB0000015 / A/c No.: Current : 015010200025568

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